1,000,000+ e-documents per month. Why is Docura growing?
We have crossed the magical mark of 1,000,000 e-documents served in one month, which demonstrates the high confidence our customers place in us. Even more important than the benchmark is the fact that the growth has been consistent. Let's have a look at some of the reasons behind Docura’s growth.
The right business philosophy
We dare to clearly and openly claim that the price of e-document processing does not need to be as high as the prices currently prevailing in the market. Furthermore, we often claim that we have the best price-quality ratio in the market as today we offer a high-quality service meeting all the requirements, even those of the most demanding customers, but we price it flexibly and reasonably.
Higher input prices in trade raise the final price of products for the customers and increase inflation. Pricing alone does not guarantee success in business, and those who dominate the market sometimes mistakenly believe they are leading the market. In the long run, those who offer good service at a reasonable price will win.
Good engineering
Why do customers trust Docura? The short answer is we have good engineering. If you call the Logistics Director of Viciunai Baltic OÜ today and ask them for feedback on why they are satisfied with our cooperation, the answer will be that our engineers are doing a good job. We believe that a similar answer will come from the rest of our clients, e. g. Valio Eesti and Eesti Pagar, etc., as they have been using our services for a long time.
The spectrum of our services is extensive, ranging from Paperless Logistics, EDI in retail, automation of purchase process and partners onboarding to
Product information Management system and e-com solutions. In addition, we offer automation of banking operations and exchange of e-invoices with both Estonian and foreign partners.
We constantly develop our services and tailor them to our customers’ needs.
When implementing our services, opportunities for improving other business processes are revealed and we offer advising on successful process automation.
Efficient management
People have asked us how we can offer a good price for complex work. One important reason lies in the structure of team. Our team is not large, but it dedicated and professional, it is works to continuously improve internal processes. We monitor development costs of our services keeping in mind that reliability and security are ensured.
We work hard to listen to our customers and meet their needs. A good combination of price, high quality and care for our customers and their resources is what makes our customer base grow fast. Therefore, we are confident that in no time we will be serving 2 million documents per month instead of one, and tens of millions in the future.
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