
sales process automation

Service is designed for retail suppliers. Docura provides electronic documents interchange with all Estonian retailers.


sales process automation

Service is designed for retail suppliers. Docura provides electronic documents interchange with all Estonian retailers.

Why do I need it?

Meeting retailers requirements

Allows fulfilling the requirement of documents exchange in 2DOC and 4DOC format. Lowers down the risk of getting penalties for supply mismatch or delay.

Getting rid of manual data entry

Electronic orders, waybills, and invoices are automatically exchanged between ERP systems of suppliers and retailers. This will help to avoid mistakes during manual data entry and will accelerate the shipment and receipt of the goods.

Speed and accuracy

Thanks to the electronic document exchange your goods will get faster to the counter and you will get your payment sooner. By using 4DOC exchange process you will be saved from having to issue credit invoices.

How it works


Solution allows

  • Exchanging e-documents with retailers in 2DOC and 4DOC format.

  • Managing product catalogs and recode product codes according to customers requirements.

  • Web-portal allows keeping control of the whole e-document exchange: sent orders, received invoices and waybills, sent and received notifications.

  • Integration with all kinds of enterprise resource planning systems.

Advanced monitoring system allows

  • Receiving notifications about new orders by e-mail.

  • Receiving confirmations of successful import of e-documents.

  • Managing unconfirmed documents.

  • Controlling and making changes in delivery schedules.

Ways to connect

Integrated exchange of e-documents

  • Implies integration with the customer’s ERP system. In this case, e-documents are transferred from one ERP system to another automatically.

  • Service is functioning with the existing system, using functioning communication channels and e-document formats.

Document exchange through docura.net web service

  • No need for integration. Suppliers may receive orders, send and receive notifications, generate invoices based on the orders, and send them to the retailer using docura.net web service. It is possible to register and log into the web service using an internet browser.

We will help to find the best solution that suits you the most

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